In the Agro Business and concretely in the biostimulation framework, we have witnessed the evolution of the market situation for these products during the past years. In a worldwide context, the habitual flow of tendencies and regulation have their origin in the “old World”, Europe. And it is from there (here), that it has jumped to America, Latam and NothAmerica, and the other three continents.

The aim of purchasing a better agriculture, based on technology for the production and safety for the population, has brought us terms like non-residue, zero-residue derived from organic farming, with the objective on the horizon of meeting the global goals.


Firstly, the Regulation parameters, where the reduction or ban of several active substances from chemical origin must be balanced with the other objective, which is to feed the global population that recently has reached the scary number of 8.500.000 human beings. 

If we talk about the Regulatory Framework globally, the idiosyncrasies of each country and its regulations, as well as the differentiated scheduling according to the continent, with the aforementioned flux, push the market to have a crop management strategy without chemical synthesis products. This is what has opened the eyes of farmers and led them to pay more attention to other tools to improve the health of their crops based on different strategies. And here is where the key word appears: BIOSTIMULATION.


With Bioestimulation, market is substituting traditional tools and products, not only for crop protection, but also for traditional fertilization, which is also a big charge for the health of the soil, the base of everything. Biostimulation covers different areas, such as microorganisms and active substances of non-chemical origin that have an elicitor effect and help farmers to face the critical phases of different crops.

Strategies starting from the initial phenological stages of the crop to the harvest, where the biostimulant products have a fundamental rol for the
vegetal development and the growth of the fruits and vegetables for a better quality and yields in all kind of crops, not only in the high profit ones.

This is also something to take into account, we are not talking about Biostimulation for “special” crops. One of the main goals is to offer solutions to all kind of crops, like extensive ones, where applying biostimulant products some years ago was something inconceivable, but with the limitations mentioned and the aim of a more sustainable way of producing are possible nowadays.

An extra challenge, moreover pandemic situations that have affected all the planet, is the meteorological changes we are facing. The climate change is something more than real, something that was an alert few years ago. 

Droughts, extreme temperatures, heavy rains are common situations that the crops face during all the season year by year producing an abiotic stress that also need to be faced with the biostimulation solutions.

On this scenario and facing this challenge with no hesitation, Servalesa is multiplying their efforts to offer tools and solutions to all the network we are giving service nowadays, in five continents and over 40 countries, after the magnificent effort done for over 40 years since this company started its activity.

Focusing in Biostimulations the strategy is clear and we are investing in the European Regulatory parameters which are the base for the rest of countries, registering our products in UE 2019/1009, UNE and CE standards. This provides our network the necessary confidence to focus in the evolution and developing of their crops based in technology, quality and food safety.

Our aim is to grow and have presence in all the countries of the five continents we already have save our first steps, and offer our biostimulant base solutions to all the markets. If the global framework sets the base for the next steps, let’s adapt to it with our tools, for sure we will find solutions.

Alfredo Camps – International Sales Manager at Servalesa