INICIO / BLOG / FOLSER® – Biostimulant for flowering, fruit set and fruit set in horticultural crops

FOLSER® – Biostimulant for flowering, fruit set and fruit set in horticultural crops

In the agronomic management of horticultural crops, it is essential to promote the right conditions for an optimal balance between the vegetative and generative abilities of the plants. In order to achieve this desired balance, the biostimulation of metabolic processes related to the formation of flower organs, fruit set and fruit lashing is indispensable.

We need a viable and reproductively functional flower that is the basis for fruits with an adequate quantity and quality of seed (plant organs essential for the production of phytohormones and natural compounds necessary for the optimal development of quality fruits) and set on an aerial part with an adequate size and vigour to bring them to fruition. We lay the foundations for this with our biostimulant FOLSER®.

FOLSER® is a biostimulant with a unique composition developed by Servalesa that contains B5 vitamins, marine plant extracts and other essential compounds. With this product we carry out a bioactivation of the processes for an optimal flower development and fruit set, as well as the promotion of a balanced vegetative growth.


Technical Agricultural Engineer

Commercial Delegate Servalesa Almeria and Granada Coast Area