Mycorrhizal fungi are, together with trichoderms, the ones that started the “movement” of microbiology applied to agriculture. This is logical, as they are a key component of the soil microbiota. Mycorrhizal fungi have the ability to colonise plant roots and explore the soil functioning as extensions of the root system. They absorb water, nutrients and strengthening the root system, as well as the plant as a whole, against different stress phenomena.

In recent years, the concept of mycorrhizae in agriculture has been consolidated by technicians and farmers. Consequently, there are numerous mycorrhizal fungi solutions on the market. For this purpose, Servalesa has MYCODRIP® a solution based on Rhizophagus irregularis which is hailed for its high concentration of spores. Notably it has a minimum concentration of 4,000 spores/gramme (4,000,000 spores per kilogramme).



 MYCODRIP® is obtained after a meticulous manufacturing process in
which selected mycorrhizal fungi are produced in vitro under sterile conditions. Moreover, MYCODRIP® contains spores, which are resistance structures that protect the genetic material until conditions are right for them to develop. We understand that this is the highest expression of quality in this type of product and the differential element with respect to other products on the market that are based on propagules such as root fragments with hyphae.

Furthermore, MYCODRIP® is probably one of the products available with the highest concentration of spores. When we talk about spore concentration we should immediately associate it with a more likely mycorrhization rate and a higher efficiency. Consequently, this is an advantage in terms of profitability for the farmer, because, given the high concentration of spores, only one application is required. 

The manufacturing process of MYCODRIP ® also allows us to guarantee its high solubility. This facilitates its application through irrigation systems with the maximum guarantee. MYCODRIP ® and vita filter and dripper clogging problems.

The Intra Radice laboratory has carried out a study on citrus seedlings of the Lane late variety, in which it compared MYCODRIP® was compared with a benchmark product based on the mycorrhizal fungus Glomus iranicum and an untreated control.

Firstly, the mycorrhization rate was evaluated after 50 days, and confirmed a higher rate of mycorrhization by MYCODRIP ® when mycorrhizing and established a symbiosis with the root with respect to the benchmark product.

After 80 days, the evaluation of other parameters linked to the development of both the aerial part and the root system was carried out to confirm the efficacy of MYCODRIP®.

Finally, it was observed that the seedlings inoculated with MYCODRIP® emitted a greater number of shoots and, therefore, showed greater meristematic activity, as well as a significant increase in the number of leaves, which leads to a higher photosynthetic rate. Thus, this trial verified that the high concentration of mycorrhizal fungal spores that characterises the formulation of MYCODRIP® ensures a high colonising potential and, therefore, a higher efficacy compared to the commercial reference.

Luis Belmonte – Responsible fot Southeast Zone Servalesa