On many occasions, the soil cannot supply the plant with certain mineral elements. Either because it lacks them or because they are not in an assimilable state. Under these conditions, a deficient absorption of these elements is produced, which can cause serious alterations in the tree.
According to what has been said, citrus nutrition is a vital and influential factor in determining the yield and quality of the final harvest. However, it is important to take into account a multitude of factors that can have either a positive or negative influence on the elaboration of an adequate nutrition plan: extractions carried out by the crop, vegetative growth (canopy), pruning, leaching losses, fixation/blocking of elements in the soil according to its characteristics, restitution of plant material reincorporated into the soil, etc.
We must emphasize the importance of the role of an adequate nutrition plan (either by fertirrigation or foliar application) to avoid deficiencies that may affect performance and crop quality. On the other hand, it is essential to know the crop in order to know when and how to provide nutritional elements at optimum times:
- Nitrogen: it is the key and most determinant element in yield. It is a component of chlorophyll and is associated with crop functions such as growth, leaf production, sprouting, fruit set and fruit development. Products with a high organic nitrogen content, such as SERVANITRO® STAR, should also be highlighted.
- Phosphorus: carries out vital functions such as photosynthesis, enzymatic activity and sugar formation. It is an important element in flower formation, fruit set, cell division and fruit quality. As a product, it is worth mentioning FOSFASER®, formulated with a high content of highly assimilated phosphorus.
- Potassium: it is important in the formation of proteins, carbohydrates, chlorophyll and in the regulation of stomata. It has an important role in determining the size and influence in different physiopathologies associated with its deficiency. For the supply of this element, Servalesa has developed NEKAMIL® STAR. A product with a high concentration of potassium and sulfur, of high assimilation, to improve crop quality.
- Calcium: key element in the cell wall and cell division, as well as participating in the maintenance of membrane integrity. Servalesa recommends SERVALESA® CALCIO for the supply of this element.CALCIO SERVALESA®
It is important to note that citrus is demanding in micronutrients. Adequate nutrition at times of peak demand can have a positive influence on performance and quality.
- Iron: one of the most consumed microelements, key for the formation of chlorophyll and essential for the production and quality of newly set fruit.
- Zinc: another key element, since it favors the formation and viability of pollen during flowering and is essential both during fruit set and in later stages.
- Manganese: it is related to the quality of fruit set and the accumulation of chlorophyll in the leaves.

To alleviate deficiencies of these microelements, it is worth mentioning VERDEZIN® PRO. This product is aimed at correcting deficiencies of these nutrients and is composed of an optimal balance of magnesium, zinc, manganese and amino acids.
Finally, we believe it is appropriate to mention another fundamental microelement from a nutritional point of view, copper. Copper is essential in various enzymatic systems, in the photosynthesis process and as an adjuvant in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins. Recent studies carried out by Servalesa with SERGOMIL® L60 have demonstrated the benefit of increasing copper levels in citrus to mitigate physiopathologies (such as, for example, branch drying in specific varieties) and improve crop quality through sequential applications during the cycle.