PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM SOLUBILIZER BASED ON Bacillus megaterium AND Pseudomonas fluorescens
RIZOBACTER® PK is a liquid biofertilizer formulated with mycorrhizal fungi combined with a high concentration of two plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR): Bacillus megaterium (strain BC07-Bmeg) and Pseudomonas fluorescens (strain BC06-Pf).
The rhizobacterial strains present in RIZOBACTER® PK have been specially selected to enhance and optimize soil fertilization and induce crop resistance to stress. Thanks to the acidic substances which are secreted by rhizobacteria, phosphorus and potassium can be solubilized from insoluble forms which allows the plant to assimilate them. These rhizobacteria are also capable of synthesizing phytohormones (auxins, gibberellins and cytokinins) with proven regulatory action on plant metabolism, as well as producing high affinity chelators (siderophores) that capture iron and facilitate the correction of its deficiency.
The application of RIZOBACTER® PK makes it possible to reduce the use of synthetic fertilizers. In addition, it generates a biostimulant effect on crops that optimizes their development and efficiently increases production.
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